Christ Trinity Parish is a two-point ministry. This means we have two homes (Christ Casebeer and Laurel Trinity), yet we are one Church. We share in our ministries, including our pastor, which allows us to better serve others. So no matter which home you choose, you will find family, home, and God.
We are people of grace. Whatever your experience with God and/or church, know that you are always welcome here.
8:45 a.m. Christ Casebeer Lutheran Church
(10377 Somerset Pike, Somerset, PA 15501)
10:30 a.m. Laurel Trinity Lutheran Church
(7520 Somerset Pike, Boswell, PA 15531)
More details, information, and recorded services can be found on the worship page.
Online Meetings
Click on the button below to attend a zoom meeting scheduled this week.
you can call in by phone.
Dial: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 672 329 5560
Upcoming Events
Check the calendar for scheduled events in the life of the parish.
Give ONLINE here
Mail your offering:
Christ Casebeer Lutheran Church, 10377 Somerset Pike, Somerset, PA 15501
Laurel Trinity Lutheran Church, P. O. Box 185, Jennerstown, PA 15547